According to the MoneyTree report by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”) and the National Venture Capital Association (“NVCA”), venture capitalists invested $29.4 billion in 3,995 deals in 2013. This represents a 7% in dollars invested and a 4% increase in deals compared to 2012.
Internet-specific companies captured $7.1 billion in investments in 2013, according to the report. This marks the highest level of internet investment since 2001.
Software companies captured $11.0 billion in investments, which marks the highest level of software investment since 2000. Additionally, dollars going into software companies accounted for 37% of all VC investments in 2013. This is the highest percentage ever recorded by the MoneyTree report, which began in 1995.
You can find PwC’s press release here. You can find the MoneyTree website, with full current and historical VC investment data, here.