The California Fair Employment & Housing Council (FEHC) recently passed new regulations concerning pregnancy disability leave (PDL). These new regulations take effect on April 1, 2016.
Under the new regulations, California employers with 5 or more employees must:
1. Provide employees with notice of their PDL rights either (a) in the next version of the employee handbook, or (b) by sending an annual notice to all employees of their PDL rights;
2. Post a copy of the state’s new PDL poster, “Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee,” in a conspicuous place in the workplace; and
3. Provide a copy of “Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee” whenever an employee provides the employer with notice of a pregnancy or requests leave or an accommodation due to pregnancy.
You can find the poster “Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee” here.
You can find the text of the new regulations here.