On January 1, 2025, all private sector employers in New York will be required to offer 20 hours of paid leave every 52 weeks for employees to attend healthcare appointments during or related to their pregnancy. All employees are eligible for this new benefit, even part-time and recently hired employees. This new paid prenatal leave is in addition to any other paid leave that the employee might be eligible for.
Under this new law, eligible pregnancy-related appointments include:
— physical examinations
— medical procedures
— monitoring
— testing
— discussions with a health care provider about pregnancy
— end of pregnancy care
— fertility treatment
Only the pregnant employee is entitled to paid leave under this new law. A spouse, partner, or other caregiver attending these appointments with the pregnant employee is not entitled to paid leave under this new law. In addition, only prenatal health care appointments are covered. Leave for any post-birth health care appointments are not paid under this new law.
A New York employer may not ask a pregnant employee about their health or the reason(s) for their prenatal visit. Nor may the employer demand that the employee produce any medical record confirming or justifying the employee’s need for prenatal care.
The employee’s 52-week period starts when the employee’s first paid leave starts. If an employee resigns or is terminated before taking all 20 hours of paid leave under this new law, the employer is not required to pay the departing employee for their unused paid leave hours.
You can read more about New York’s new Paid Prenatal Leave Law here.